An official scientific journal of the Society of Agriculture, Food and Environment (SAFE) and the International Network of Food Science and Technology (INFoST). Agriculture, Food and Environment is an online, peer reviewed, open access journal.
Aims and Scope
Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment (JAFE) is online journal published quarterly (January-March, April-June, July-September and October-December) in English. The journal will mainly publish original research papers, review articles and short communications. The suitability of papers for publication in the journal is judged by the peer review. The articles on all broad aspects of the food science and technology, human nutrition, animal sciences, agricultural and environmental sciences will be considered for publications. JAFE provides a platform for rapid dissemination of significant research finding and new knowledge in the reach of scientific and industrial communities. JAFE maintains a very rapid peer review process from submission to final online publication.
The core objective of this journal is to enlighten and encourage research on cutting-age themes and innovations by scientists, researchers, students, professionals, academicians, policy-makers, and stake holders. The JAFE also considers manuscripts on ethical and socio-economic issues related to modern agricultural or environmental sciences. The Journal also offers advertisement space for special announcements from, and employment opportunities within, food, agricultural and environmental organizations in public and private sectors.